Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care Article Links

Here is the David Gushee editorial we discussed.

And here is Brian McLaren's response.

Here is McLaren's response to the questions of an opponent of proposed health care reforms.

And then McLaren's explanation for supporting Obama despite his pro-choice stance.

1 comment:

Azalea68 said...

It concerns me that Christians would support national health care when this nation is already under such tremendous debt that it will be nearly impossible to ever pay it off. Proverbs 22:7 says that the borrower is a slave to the lender. Is socialism going to take over democracy? National health care in the UK and Canada has been horrible. Are you ready to have a state selected council make decisions on whether your life is worth an expensive operation? Do you think that it right that doctors and nurses will be forced to perform abortions against their religious convictions?

It appears to me that some of you are lacking discernment. Even though Obama cannot possibly be the anti Christ--this nation has followed after him just as the world will follow the anti-Christ when he arrives on the scene. The present administration shows characteristics of Nazi Germany. It has been said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Christians do have an obligation to look for ways to help the needy; however. doing so through the federal government is not the answer.

Phyllis Schafly is a Christian attorney who has been fighting for Christian rights for years. Check out her web site to see her views on national health care. Jay Sekulow is another Christian attorney that flights for Christian rights in the courts. I would urge you to see what he has to say. Many, many, well known Christians are against the national health care. Perhaps some of you should broaden your horizons and do some research. Things that are happening in our country which was founded on God’s principles is floundering.