Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What does emergent mean to you?

We started a discussion at the last meeting about what it means to be an emergent follower of Jesus? Take a few minutes to think about what being emergent means to you and post a comment below. This could be the basis of our January conversation.


Steve Brummet said...

"open your arms to change but don't let go of your values."
old Indian proverb
Emergent to me means being open to seeking the unity Christ requested of the Father for all of us, before He assended into heaven.
Personally, it means I need to be open minded toward others and their world view, while at the same time keeping my personal relationship with God.
-Susan B

Larry said...

To me being emergent means being different than the average person in the average church. That average group is attractional, focused on programs and the church is a place where you do Godly things. Emergent is missional, focused on relationships and the church is a people who imitate God.

Clay Youngblood said...

In my opinion, being emergent involves the following…

 Being open to and supportive of all God’s children as they seek a closer and deeper relationship with HIM
 Allowing us the freedom and the spiritual growth that comes from asking and dealing with the difficult questions we all struggle with
 Intensely focused on Jesus Christ - his ministry, his teachings and “the way”
 Inclusive and ecumenical in scope
 Movement that seeks to unite all God’s children…

J D Allen said...

I see emergent as unifying, inclusive, holistic, and hopeful. It connects with people at the level of God's love rather than fear. It tends toward the concrete transformation of the world. Some think it discards all tradition. Rather it reevaluates and redefines tradition, which I think is the genius of the biblical tradition.