Wednesday, January 7, 2009

N. T. Wright on Paul

Just finished What Saul Paul Really Said. Wright demonstrates that Paul was about this world and its fulfillment, not its end. That his message was not about some new spiritual experience individuals have, but was about heralding the king of the world (no not Leonardi DiCaprio) and calling people to pledge allegience (faith) to Jesus the King (Christ) as opposed to pledging their allegience to Rome or any other political power or ideology of domination.

In addressing the themes of modernity (money, sex, and power) Wright says:

"The gospel creates allegience, not 'experience' per se. When we are truly announcing the lordship of Jesus, we must make it clear that, according to this gospel, the one true God has dealt in Jesus Christ with sin, death, guilt, and shame, and now summons men and women everywhere to abandon the idols which hold them captive to these things and to discover a new life, and a new way of life, in him...The gospel is the royal announcement. No herald in the ancient world would say, 'Tiberius is Caesar has become emperor: accept him if it suits you.'...But first it offers the cross...The only experience guaranteed by Jesus' summons is that of carrying the cross."

Wright makes this statement in making the point that "justification" is not about "how to get into heaven" but "who are the people of God" called to challenge the nations of the world in their idolatry and the parody they have made of life. The risk of this challenge bears the cross.

Strong words. Tell us what you think.

1 comment:

Clay Youngblood said...


I love Wright's conclusion regarding our Christian commitment to ..."carrying the cross".

I think we can have heaven on earth if we pursue the kingdom message that Christ offers. It's not about health, wealth and post-death, but how we can bring the spirit alive in how we live our lives each day.

Hopefully, every day we will give thanks to God that we too have the opportunity to ..."carry the cross" as HE would want us to.

Peace on, Clay