Sunday, October 20, 2013

The emergent church and the end of the "sage on the stage."

Brian McLaren recently lamented Sunday morning experiences that can be evaluated like a consumer experience. “How was worship yesterday?” McLaren opines that the question usually means “how was the sermon” and/or “how was the music?” In an era when technology can transfer knowledge 24/7 in multiple languages, is an hour listening to a lecture from the sage on the stage really our best use of time? OR Would we be better served if we spent that time in a “lab.” Getting out of the church building and into the neighborhoods to practice what we already know? Come join the conversation and voice your opinion. We'll experiment with a new venue this week. We'll meet at the Wendy's on Custer in front of Starbucks - and some of us may show up as early as 6:30 to share supper...hope you can join us.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 22, 2013 Was Jesus political?

The cohort group will meet on Thursday, August 22, 2103 to begin a discussion of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan. If you don't get a chance to get a copy of the book by Thursday,just Google the book title and you'll see plenty of articles, blogs and videos to whet your appetite. Here is one blog that suggests that Jesus was apolitical. Aslan takes the opposite view, suggesting that Jesus was radically political. It should be an interesting discussion. Larry will lead the first session and then Woody will take over. Hope to see you on Thursday.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Next Meeting will be August 22, 2013

As is our tradition, we'll take the summer off and plan to meet again on August 22, 2013. Feel free to reply to this post to keep the cohort up-to-date on your schedule and your summer reading.

June 27, 2013 Cohort Recap

We had a very special treat on the 27th when the cohort and a few guests met with pastor, author, wife and mom Danielle Shroyer. The cohort had started a discussion of her book, The Boundary-Breaking God a month or two ago, and we were delighted that she was able to join our conversation. Topics ranged from the influences of the Permian Basin and Juger Moltmann on her theology to insights on Journey church in Dallas to glimpses into her next projects. We pondered the tensions that seem to always arise between spiritual "pioneers" and "settlers" and "what do you do with the children in a small church?" As noted in the next post, we'll take the month of July off and meet again on August 22, 2013. Hope to see you then.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Effective June 2013 - we'll meet on the fourth Thursday

Last month we decided to change our meeting date from the second Thursday to the fourth Thursday to accommodate some schedule conflicts. Make plans to join us on Thursday, June 27th!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April meeting update

We'll meet on the 18th instead of the 11th. So you still have time to pick up a copy of Danielle Shroyer's book The Boundary-Breaking God and read the first two chapters. Hope to see you Thursday.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April Meeting moved to the 18th

Due to a schedule issue, we are moving our April meeting from the 11th to the 18th. I hope you will be able to join us on the 18th.