Sunday, October 20, 2013

The emergent church and the end of the "sage on the stage."

Brian McLaren recently lamented Sunday morning experiences that can be evaluated like a consumer experience. “How was worship yesterday?” McLaren opines that the question usually means “how was the sermon” and/or “how was the music?” In an era when technology can transfer knowledge 24/7 in multiple languages, is an hour listening to a lecture from the sage on the stage really our best use of time? OR Would we be better served if we spent that time in a “lab.” Getting out of the church building and into the neighborhoods to practice what we already know? Come join the conversation and voice your opinion. We'll experiment with a new venue this week. We'll meet at the Wendy's on Custer in front of Starbucks - and some of us may show up as early as 6:30 to share supper...hope you can join us.