Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Meeting Recap

We had a good discussion of the way kingdom ethics intersect with the politics of the empire. Using health care reform as a proxy for similar ethical dilemmas, we discussed why some Christians on both sides of the issue adopt un-Christ-like attitudes toward brothers and sisters on the other side of the issue. We pondered why Christians are so quick to assume that "their position" on an empire issue is the "correct" position and how emergent believers might act to change Christian culture...

Here is a thought-provoking article about health care reform, that goes beyond the current political debate. It is long, but worth reading.

At the end of the meeting we discussed the possibility of changing the date of our meetings from the last Thursday of the month to the second Thursday of the month. We hope this change will allow some additional people to join our conversation.

Starting in October, We'll meet on the 2nd Thursday

Starting in October we're going to try meeting on the second Thursday of the month. We hope the change will allow some additional people to participate. Go ahead and mark your calendar for October 8, November 12 and December 10. Hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Next Meeting Thursday, Sept 24

We'll meet at Escape at 7:00 PM. Check out the links in JD's post dated August 27 and we'll continue our discussion of kingdom ethics versus empire politics.